Thing #1- Life-Long Learning Rocks

Challenges:  As a life-long learner, I am challenged by having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner.  I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses.  If something involves numbers or spatial relationships, I immediately put on my shields and back away.  I know that confidence in my own ability to be a thinker and learner can help me overcome these kinds of hurdles.

Easy…Resonates:  What resonates with me in thinking about the habits of life-long learners is the idea of creating your own learning toolbox.  I find that I enjoy collecting items that I need, and I enjoy the process of discovery.  I look forward to relying more on my colleagues and creating a network of educators who are in the trenches with me.  The idea of interacting on the web with colleagues and being part of an electronic community is a tool I really want to explore.

 Most Important:  What will be most important to me is to PLAY!  I am constantly reminded that time to explore and discover is almost more valuable than direct instruction and feedback.  I find ways to apply new tools and information when I allow myself the time to truly try things out, adapt them, and take risks.  I think in our busy lives, we forget the power of play.  Because I am the mom of a 5 and 6 year old, I think I am going to take a page from their book and really learn to PLAY!

One thought on “Thing #1- Life-Long Learning Rocks

  1. Your statement about busy lives and forgetting the power of play really resonates with me. As adults, we so often get stuck in a rut, in our daily routine. The willingness to play and try new things can open up so many doors for us. We can learn so much from children…our own as well as our students.